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everything will kill you, so choose something fun.

hi, i'm puppy!

This is the personal website of a queer little canine named Puppy! I'm looking to explore the wide world of web, and have a place in it to call home. :] I'm a young adult living in the USA.

My interests include:

fun stuff!

it's always time for horror obi-wan kenobi disrobing gif luke star wars deflecting training droid anakin being emo renton from trainspotting goin into the toilet opening running scene of trainspotting mob from mob psycho 100 fighting on entirety of the first twilight movie as a gif dogs running with rainbow background retro dvd menu i love old web i love physical media dog drinking pepsi keith haring figures hugging toothpaste mlm flag end poverty, give me $10

"I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other."

life seeks to perpetuate