everything will kill you, so choose something fun.
hi, i'm puppy!
This is the personal website of a queer little canine named Puppy! I'm looking to explore the wide world of web, and have a place in it to call home. :] I'm a young adult living in the USA.
My interests include:
- Technology + Web Revival: Right now my projects (all slow-going) are installing Arch Linux on my PC, growing my physical media collections (DVDs, CDs, and books), and basic web design. I use an RSS feed, Firefox, and uBlock Origin to make using the internet less insufferable. I frequent a few forums, mainly MelonLand and the SparklePack (buttons linked below)!
- Reading: Science, nature, poetry, classics, manga, horror, sometimes YA or science fiction. Lately, I've been slowly working through some philosophy books.
- Writing: Generally, I mostly write poetry + journal, but I've been dabbling more in creative writing-- toying with a few novel ideas, as well as a little fanfiction. My current WIP is a Star Wars fic that I hope to one day publish on AO3 :]
- Watching Movies: Especially horror, drama, + thrillers. This is kind of My Thing, and I'm always trying to expand my horizons! Currently down horrendous for Star Wars and Ewan McGregor...
- Religion/Philosophy: I've been somewhat of an atheopagan for a few years now, definitely no expert but I love talking about it if you are interested/looking into it for yourself! I need more people to talk about religion + philosophy with. :]
fun stuff!
"I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other."